579 research outputs found

    A Critical Analysis of Neural Buddhism\u27s Explanation of Moral Transformation

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    As non-theistic arguments for morality become increasingly sophisticated and complex, they are harder to criticize without first admiring their skillful design and near-artistry. One such argument involves a relatively new innovation that is the child of naturalism and eastern philosophy—Neural Buddhism. Like two world-renowned designers collaborating on a new garment, Naturalism and Buddhism have come together in this distinct program to offer something inventive, especially in its explanation of moral transformation. However, this critical analysis will ultimately reveal that Neural Buddhism’s explanation of moral transformation is incapable of providing good answers to several compelling criticisms

    Deserts of Development: How God Shapes Leaders in the Wilderness

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    A wilderness experience in the life of a believer is often a tool used by God to shape him for some leadership position or specific calling. While the desert one is thrust into may be physical in nature or purely psychological, wilderness experiences share common characteristics and yet yield an array of differentiating results for those who travel through them. In order to examine how God shapes leaders in the wilderness, three case studies reveal how the individuals in each case grew in the leadership skills necessary for them to carry out their calling

    Emotional Leak (artwork)

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    A large scale glass sculpture commissioned for Kith and Kin exhbition at National Glass Centre. time lapse photography, digital modelling are used to build a model. it is fabricated from waterjet cut glass it is a spatial portrait of architectural space that inspired it

    The Humility and Glory of the Lamb: Toward a Robust Apocalyptic Christology

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    There exists a conspicuous void in Christological scholarship both historically and more recently as it pertains to interest in what the Revelation of John has to offer one’s understanding of the God-Man. Furthermore, those works that do investigate the Apocalypse for its Christological content fail to appreciate how its central character is portrayed. In so doing, these settle for overly simplistic interpretations of unique verbiage John employs to describe Christ—particularly the Lamb (ἀρνίον). Therefore, in an effort to cultivate the clearing that exists in the Christological forest, this dissertation will endeavor to reach a robust understanding of Revelation’s Lamb. Ultimately, this project argues that John’s use of ἀρνίον throughout his Apocalypse yields a multi-faceted Christological presentation of Jesus Christ that is dependent on the paradoxical theme of glory in humility. This interpretation affords the Lamb a great deal of linguistic flexibility as it is employed throughout Revelation to promulgate a sophisticated Christology along with the corresponding theological implications thereof


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    This paper will argue that believers who adhere to a more literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3 and, by proxy, affirm a young-earth creation, are not only within their right to do so, but are epistemically sound in making this choice given the superiority of a robust interpretation of special revelation over and above data collected from general revelation delineated in a largely naturalistic worldview. To this end, this work will juxtapose the following: the nature of special revelation and general revelation (a theological consideration), the consistency witnessed in the hermeneutical enterprise and the variety observed in the conclusions/allowances witnessed in the scientific community (a methodological consideration), and the pre-modern acceptance of theology in the academia with the 19-20th century’s under-appreciation of theology’s role (a historic consideration). In each of these discussions, the latter concept/idea will be exposed as inferior to, or at least suspect in light of the former option. This paper assumes that the reader has adopted the Christian worldview. In other words, the aim of this work is not to convince the atheist naturalist of the Christian worldview on creation. Instead, this work hopes to explain why young-earth Christians are justified in holding this view and seeks to call Christians who adopt an old-earth view to reevaluate their position. If successful, young-earth creationists will be encouraged to hold fast to their interpretation of Genesis 1-3 in spite of being pressured to do otherwise.Este artículo analizará que los creyentes que adhieren a una interpretación más literal de Génesis 1-3 y, de manera indirecta, ratifican el creacionismo de la Tierra joven, no solo tienen derecho a esa creencia sino que son epistémicamente sólidos al hacer esta elección dada la superioridad de una consistente interpretación de la revelación especial más allá de los datos recogidos de la revelación general que se describen en una cosmovisión en gran medida naturalista. Con este fin, este trabajo yuxtapone lo siguiente: la naturaleza de la revelación especial y de la revelación general (una consideración teológica), la coherencia que se observa en el enfoque hermenéutico y la variedad que se observa en las conclusiones / los créditos de la comunidad científica (una consideración metodológica), como así también la aceptación premoderna de la teología en el mundo académico con la subvaloración del papel del teólogo en período del siglo XIX-XX (una consideración histórica). En cada una de estas discusiones, este último concepto / idea será expuesto como inferior a, o por lo menos sospechoso a la luz de la opción anterior. Este trabajo presupone que el lector ha adoptado la cosmovisión cristiana de la creación. En otras palabras, el objetivo no es convencer al naturalista ateo de la cosmovisión cristiana de la creación. En cambio, el trabajo espera explicar por qué los cristianos de la Tierra joven están justificados en mantener esta visión y trata de convocar a los cristianos que adoptan una visión de la Tierra antigua para que reevalúen su posición. Si lo logra, los creacionistas de la Tierra joven serán alentados a aferrarse a su interpretación de Génesis 1-3 a pesar de la presión para que no lo hagan

    Textual Triads: The Identification and Justification of an Apocalyptic Literary Form

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    This study seeks to elucidate just one of the many literary/structural devices found in John’s Apocalypse—textual triads (groupings of three words or ideas that are either repeated or parallel to each other). In so doing, this paper will argue that not only do textual triads exist in Revelation, but they are present in various forms throughout this last canonical work and can be categorized/justified via grammatical/literary markers that help readers identify them within the text of Scripture. All this will prove that, among many other literary devices, the apostle utilizes this unique threefold repetition in pervasive ways to describe, reveal, and explain a wide variety of people, places, things, and ideas in his apocalyptic presentation. What will be yielded in this study ought to help future students more fully appreciate the compelling message and final climactic contribution of God’s grand metanarrative—a contribution that while containing chaos, confusion, and cosmic catastrophe, is underpinned by a sophisticated and divinely-ordered literary structure that grounds what is revealed in a compelling, organized, and beautiful way

    IRD dropout study

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    This final report describes work performed by SRS Technologies for the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center under Contract NAS8-39077, entitled 'Integrated Receiver-Decoder Dropout Study'. The purpose of the study was to determine causes of signal fading effects on ultra-high-frequency (UHF) range safety transmissions to the Space Shuttle during flyout. Of particular interest were deep fades observed at the External Tank (ET) Integrated Receiver-Decoder (IRD) during the flyout interval between solid rocket booster separation and ET separation. Analytical and simulation methods were employed in this study to assess observations captured in flight telemetry data records. Conclusions based on the study are presented in this report, and recommendations are given for future experimental validation of the results

    Integrated chemical sensors based on carbon black and polymer films using a standard CMOS process and post-processing

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    We present an integrated chemical sensor array fabricated using a CMOS process followed by post-processing. The sensor presented in this paper incorporates 324 individually addressable sensing nodes. Post processing involves an electroless nickel and gold plating step to fabricate sensing contacts, and the deposition of a carbon black based polymer sensor material. The operation of the integrated sensor is confirmed. This sensor technology will allow the creation of large arrays of chemically diverse sensors

    Land Snails (Pleistocene-Recent) of the Loess Hills: A Preliminary Survey

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    The Loess Hills and Missouri Alluvial Plain landform regions of western Iowa were surveyed for molluscs in July and August, 1982. We focused on the modern fauna and that of the late Woodfordian (Wisconsinan) Peoria Loess, but a few localities with older and younger Pleistocene and Holocene faunas were also collected. Systematic bulk samples were taken at 95 localities: faunal lists for 75 are included herein. The modern land snail fauna comprises 40 species, most of which are small, drought-resistant cosmopolitan or Interior Province forms. One, or possibly two, Rocky Mountain forms survive as relicts. The modern fauna is depauperate in comparison to that of eastern Iowa. No definite endemic taxa were noted, but several succineid taxa require further study. The Peoria Loess fauna is more diverse and heterogeneous than the extant in its affinities. The total (47 species) includes major Interior Rocky Mountain, Northern, and Midwest Biome components as well as widespread taxa. The Interior element has many more deciduous forest taxa than currently survive. The poorly-known Holocene fauna (34 species) comprises mostly cosmopolitan and Interior taxa, with a few Rocky Mountain or extinct holdovers. In the Loess Hills region, diversity increases pronouncedly from north to south for both Peoria Loess and modern faunas. No clear trend is evident for the Missouri Alluvial Plain. Peoria Loess faunas are most diverse within a mile of the west bluff edge: diversity declines rapidly at more interior easterly sites